The other week in work, someone asked me what I’d done the evening before – my reply was some sort of swimming or running response – to which my colleague said “Wow, that’s real commitment”. I had to point out to her that there was no commitment in it at all; it was just a really good laugh and lots of fun with my friends.
That’s the thing – once you find that group of people or event, you realise that it’s not you on your own – there are other people out there equally as fun, bonkers and beautiful as you are, and that makes it a lot easier to keep going – no excuses! Because who doesn’t want to have fun?!
I have found, certainly over the last 12/18 months, that the way to keep on doing the stuff you love is to do it with like-minded people. Having something to aim for, or a group to be accountable helps me to stop letting ‘life’ get in the way and stops me making excuses.
You might be someone who prefers to do things on your own, signing up for an event is a great way to keep you focussed on this re-found activity. If you feel, like me, that finding a tribe of like-minded people, you can use the Fuelled By Fun Facebook group to find out more about clubs and groups that you can join in your area – you just have to ask, or even set up one yourself.
We have to keep making excuses to keep doing fun stuff, rather than making excuses not to!
Be fuelled by fun!