Have you ever been out running with a group and always seem to find yourself at the back, gasping for air whilst desperately trying to make your legs go faster so you can keep up???
Yup me too!!
Setting off on a group run is great, but a mile or so in, when you're losing sight of your fellow runners as they disappear into the distance... not so great!
The first thing that takes over your mind is the “why the hell am I doing this”?? Quickly followed by “the OMG I’m hating every minute of it” to the “when will this be all over so I can go home and cry”?? Then there’s the hope!!!!! You spot that your fellow runners have stopped to wait for you... brill a rest at last. Nope as soon as you catch them up then they’re off again 😩 at this point you're red faced, out of breath, have sweat dripping into your eyes and in need of an oxygen cylinder, not only has every ounce of confidence you had disappeared, it has actually destroyed your soul. It’s nobody’s intentions or fault that you feel this way, they're just doing their thing as they should do, and I know if they did know how you felt they would be horrified at the thought... but the fact is life at the back of the pack is hard work!
Fast forward 12 months>>>>>>
Life at the back of the pack now is where I love to be... gone are the feelings of "I’m not good enough", gone are the stresses of trying to keep up... gone has the feeling of it wanting it to be over along with the fear of failure 😁
Instead they’ve been replaced with, I can do this, I am me and I run at my own 'no pressure' pace, I chat to people and find out about them and their lives. I take in my surroundings and appreciate what’s on our doorstep, I stop for silly photos, and wild wee’s and the only time I cry is with laughter... So what’s changed???
Me I’ve changed... I no longer focus on my finish times but the finish lines! I no longer focus on how slow I run, just on how much fun I can have along the way, everything and everyone else is the same... It’s just my outlook that has changed and thank goodness it has as it’s brought back my love for running 😊
What is it they say a “mile is a mile no matter how long it takes you to run it “and it’s so true 😄
I can officially say I am Fuelled By Fun and now loving every single run 😊